Research Summary

The PEAR Lab
The PEAR Lab

The PEAR Laboratory
Psyleron is an outgrowth of the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research laboratory (PEAR), which studied the role of consciousness in the physical world.

The PEAR lab existed from 1979 to 2007. It was founded by professor Robert G. Jahn, then Dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Science at Princeton University. The lab was managed by Brenda Dunne, a developmental psychologist, and had a full-time staff of half a dozen scientists as well as numerous interns and visiting researchers.

PEAR’s experiments concerned the influence of the mind on probabilistic physical systems, such as the output of random event generators (REGs). It found that users could shift REG outputs in ways that correlated with their intentions, even though these empirical results are not predicted by contemporary physical theories. The laboratory’s overall experimental databases provided highly statistically significant evidence that the effects being observed, though small in magnitude, were not simply a chance occurrence.

This video is sampled from The PEAR Proposition DVD set, an eight-hour overview of the research conducted at the PEAR lab that provides a more detailed understanding of the twenty-eight year history of this work.

For more information, visit the PEAR website or click the links below.

Learn about PEAR Intention ExperimentsLearn about PEAR Intention Experiments

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